Adam York Art

A Collection of Art Stories – Geometrics

A Collection of Art Stories – Geometrics


Sacred Ancient Geometry has always been a favorite of mine which inspires all of my geometric designs.  My geometric designs are based on sound patterns, math patterns, nature patterns, spiritual and mystical harmonies of the universe.

I feel most connected to geographic deigns which express nature, workings of the universe, and God.  All geometric designs to me; represent the bridge between heavens and Earths for which we belong at this very moment in time.

Yes, I have pluralized “Earth’s” and “Heaven’s” because one day we will prove and confirm many livable planets exist and many different heavens were created by God. The Word God here refers to one or many Gods for which you believe and how geometric design patterns fit into the creation stories of many people around the world.

Ancient Geometry Is the structure of creation regardless of its forms. The entire universe consists of geometric patterns both invisible and visible to the human eye.

The art stores below are inspired by this thinking.


Geometric 14 Floral Design

Geometric 14 Floral

A floral geometric pattern in yellow ink with fourteen (7) radial petals grouped in pairs of seven for (14) total design elements circling around the center. 7 for spirituality and 14 for freedom. Of course, you can decide for yourself the meaning of numbers in this design.

Seven in general, has special meaning to me as one of the first numbers, when I was very young, to realize is directly related to nature, especially light. Seven, as the visible colors light became fourteen when I saw a double rainbow for the first time and spectrum graphs in science experiments in physics class which showed all the different ways lights forms patterns and bands of frequencies.

The seven arrows radiate outward pointing to flower petals which, if you look closely, seem to have faces of men and represent any flower where we see humanity in nature. The arrows are intended to pinpoint direct connection of man with nature and our place within it.

Seven for the spirituality of man and fourteen for the freedom we all have to participate in beautiful nature.

Accept your light and the colors you generate into this world.


Shapes Of 10 Galaxies and Gardens

Shapes of 10 Galaxies and gardens

The bridge between the galaxies and gardens is the shapes of 10. This huge ten petal floral design shows the universe above and connects with gardens below in this traditional egg-shaped line drawing; representing all life.

This art draws on our connection between shapes and patterns found in gardens and galaxies. The varying shapes of galaxies above are found in the garden below. All centrally connected by the flower-based pattern which is the key shape for both galaxies and gardens found in the universe.

The number 10, is one of many key pattern numbers and means different things to different cultures around the world. To me, in this specific piece of art, represents the grand phase of completion. The flower, is after all, the final phase of life’s creation.  At the fullest, right before the cycle of life begins again with fruit and seed for which flowers complete the giving process of life to their creations.

You are capable of creating and re-creating.


Twelve Paths of Wisdom

twelve paths of wisdom drawing

12 paths radiate from the center in a clockwise pattern pointing to outer stability of triangular patterns interwoven with life as suggested by the various plants at different levels. Patterns of twelve (12) are repeated throughout the design at many levels.

The central rotational structure reminds us life is constantly spinning, rotating, and repeating.  Without the rotation of the universe, our galaxy, our solar system, and our planet we would have no life at all.  This is because rotational motion of number 12 represents many cycles and cycles within cycles rippling outward to manifest life several different shapes.

The outermost ring reminds us of our own moon radiating illumination energy down on Earth along with other solar system energies, while plants rise from spiral pots reach for the heavens. Here we have perfect balance between incoming and outgoing energies which play joyfully together to create harmony between physical and spiritual realms where motion creates everything we need.

There is no life without motion.


Lucky Number Five

luck number five

Lucky number 5 surrounded by more five symbols. Five pointed stars and five sided shapes make this color-splashed style of art interesting and vibrant variations of five. This is a reminder that luck comes in all shapes and sizes but the underlying connection to the heavens is where all luck comes from.

Aside from luck, the number five (5) is represented in several different cultures across the globe as having significant meaning physically and spiritually. Five, after all, is the number of man and shape of man the five-pointed star.  Five also represents different things in numerology, astrology and tarot. So, really it depends on your frame of reference when enjoying the number 5.

To me number 5 appears as communication confirmation and completion of change before heading into the next cycle six (6) harmony. Sometimes as acknowledgement of release, letting go of change to enjoy harmony of six.

Five, to me; feels like a direct connection between Earthly and spiritual communication. I do not know exactly why, but five may be a vibration easier for spirit to communicate with the physical realm.

This piece of art came about because I find the number five (5) appearing often when I close my eyes during prayers or meditation. Imagine the number 5 floating in air not written on anything at all, just the number itself appearing before you unambiguously as if to say yes.

Numbers which appear during prayer or meditation are important; much more so than seeing numbers in physical things. Because numbers physically exist, in all things everywhere, it is not always clear if physical number you happen to see have any meaning at all. However, think about it, a hovering number appearing before you is a direct, clear message. The message simply depends on the context of thought at time of appearance.

Don’t ignore your numbers.


Ancient Geometry 12 Point Design

12 point geometric design

Ancient geometry has its roots in many different aspects of our consciousness. Patterns like this are found in math, nature, science, sound, faiths, religions, and the cosmos. I create art like this because of deep meaningful connections I feel when I contemplate possibilities of number 12 and patterns it creates.

This design is based on vibrational patterns of 12 where the outer border represents outer limits of vibrational energy where dissipation fades into grid patterns.

Just inward of the outer border we have sun energy flowing in different patterns caused by frequency fluctuations where objects interact, vibrate, diffuse and diffract as frequencies move outward. The darker orange circles represent a balance and stability point between Sun and cosmic center cooled by blue and gray water rings.

At center we have a twelve-pointed star and central Sun which powers forces of cosmic energies drawn from the blackness of space. Black reminds us all energies arise from blackness of space, as part of space, and eventually return to blackness at the outer border of diffusion ready to start again.

If you haven’t guessed it yet, this patten is based on the geometry of wave patterns. Just imaging a big black cosmic swimming pool where you have disturbed the blackness with just one word, one touch, one breath.

So, sing and disturb the calm and create beautiful designs with your own energies.


Fluidic Spotted Wave

fluidic spotted wave

Fluidics and dynamic flows represented by droplets formed from science of Cymatics and sound frequencies. This pattern forms with high frequency sound and reminds me of cool interesting patterns which sooth the mind.

I remember at a very early age observing wave patterns everywhere, in a puddle, in a pond, in my cereal bowl, in the toilet… you name it everywhere. 

My most memorable wave pattern was from huge rain storms which caused water flows down the street from a “cul de sac” we lived on.  

Right before the rain would arrive, I could smell it miles in the distance which gave me time to assemble miniature water crafts.  When rain started falling, steam and its smell rose from the blacktop as if to say no to water but was overcome by consistent drops.

Drops overcame steam and water began to flow. Shallow wave patters within the dirt and rocks on the street formed. As water increased; churning patterns like miniature stony rivers formed sloshing back and forth between the concrete curb and street.

When timing was right for my miniature watercraft to start their voyage, I armed myself with a long flexible stick. I launched as may craft as I could and would run downhill to follow “watch over” the crafts; poking with a stick to keep crafts moving especially when waves marooned a craft on a pebble or street.

The little water crafts weaved, bobbed, and spun showing exactly where every wave pattern existed. Those flowing black dots in this art design remind me of joyous fun rainy days of enduring soothe.

You only need a stick to get unstuck in life nothing more.


Pentagram Connected Pattern

pentagram connected pattern

I love pentagrams and making highly detailed patterns from them and within them. This repeating pattern reminds me of moons and stars due to crescent shapes formed by white spaces surrounding connected pentagrams.

I love to create detailed geometric designs and connect them to highlight negative space in the shape of other things. Crescent moons, suns, squares triangles and other shapes pop-out as design elements within the design. Design from negative space (white space) is very interesting to me and creates visual patterns which can be seen in several different ways which transform art from the viewers perspective.

Pentagrams are a fundamental building blocks in the physical realm we find ourselves in and to me represent one of many cosmic ancient geometric shapes our universe provides for us to enjoy.

Increase richness of life by observing not the obvious but rather hidden patterns in your life.


Pentacle and Pentagrams

pentacle and pentagrams

Pentacle and Pentagrams of varying shapes and sizes impart magical wisdom to seekers of universal magic and mysticism. The power of number five and changes which come with it. The multitude of shapes available to the number five make life interesting. Pentacle, pentagram, pentagon and any other five-faced shape form the building blocks of other designs and patterns.

The five-pointed star has deep meanings in our culture outside of spiritualism, occultism, and religious symbology.  Take the American flag, for example; where each star represents a member state of the grand Republic, we call home as Americans. 

Freedom, and change caused by freedom, is what I love most about pentacles and pentagrams as markers, denote(rs), symbols and indicators of where we have come and where we will go.

This art is to remind me of the magic of Freedom and all freedom brings physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Give yourself a star and enjoy the meaning it brings to life.


Neon Fuzz

neon fuzz art

This unique colorful camo-style art I created from sound wave patterns which became fuzzy at edges where differing sound patterns blended together. I always find blending of sound patterns to create visual representations interesting. Note: This design has faded fuzzy blurs between colors and shapes and is intentionally designed this way.

I chose neon colors because colors that glow tend to visually produce fades and blurs between colors and smooth transitions.  Also, I love neon colors for different kinds art but mostly any time I do art with neon colors I am reminded of being a child doing arts and crafts with my family where we created glow paintings powered by a black-light. Oh, and those silly neon velvet paintings as well.

As for the “camo” component of this art; this is a play on what camo is intended for. Camo is for blending in and here contrasts with the obvious brilliant outstanding long visual distances of neon / florescent colors, sort-of the opposite of blending in.

Yes, you can also admit you love neon colors and enjoy them any way you want.


Sunflower (Painting Style)

painted sunflowers

Colorful Earth tones behind beautiful sunflowers in the style of oil color paintings.  Sunflowers inspire me when I see them in the garden; tall and fearless stretching to the sky reaching for the sun and providing seeds for the animals. Now if only I could keep the squirrels from treating them like circus rides.

To me a beautiful crop of sun flowers represents the ultimate garden challenge, especially in our gardening zone.  You see, every year we plant sunflowers they turn out very tall and beautiful and as they get to the point of maximum height ready for harvest we have little ax-men ninja squirrels that decide to chop off the heads of our sunflowers. They are ruthless, if they cannot get the flower head off, they pile up in a team and try to bend the flower to the ground.

The good news is; the number of ax-men ninja squirrels was reduced when removed all dead and dying trees from our property and occasionally we get through a season without anyone losing their heads.

You are not required to accept your circumstances.


Green Plant Cells

green plant cells

Not a photograph but rather an artistic take on what plant cells look like in a close-up view of green leaves. I love patterns that appear in nature and how we find them simply by using magnification to give us unique views into the microcosm of plants.

Green, the color of photosynthesis is managed by leaf cells in plants. Amazing is how plants produce food from sunlight. One day we will discover exact mechanisms of food from sunlight to create our own food without the need to kill anything, including plants.

My first sight of plant cells was an experience provided by a toy microscope and electronics kit dedicated to learning how light works with microscopy.  I loved seeing wiggly green things swimming along and the variations of each critter.  Leaves and the water moving through various parts also reminded me of microscope worms traveling up the leaf veins. Of course, it was water not worms. 

Worms, bacteria, and other non-plant organisms I saw later in life during biology class due to more powerful objective lenses and higher degrees of magnification available at the time. I loved how the extra magnification made clear the distinguishing parts of each plant cell which I did not see in toy microscopes.

Seeing plant cells in action makes clear the importance of plant life. Don’t get me wrong I get the same feeling about non-plant things but it is more like a grand scene of chaos where plants seem to provide order in the microcosm. Obviously not all plants, but at least plants I had the ability to look at over the years; for example, algae have that same aspect of chaos.

Leaves are the most important part of the plant for growth functions. Functions provided by structured cells are the creative engine of plants.

Take time to acknowledge life structures; soak up sun, grow, and find your creative engine.


Secret Pointers Hidden In Chaos

secret pointers hidden in chaos

Arrows lead path out. A geometric pattern of chaos hiding secret pointers. Arrows showing the way out as path pointers to a calm center of pink. Love. To love, you must first go inward, so, find just one arrow to find your way out. All paths lead to the center so don’t let chaos drag you away from center.

This piece of art came-to-be as I was thinking about abstract geometric design and how chaos eventually flows from disorder to order. At times order in chaos is very difficult to see depending on your perspective and vantage point.

However, if you think about it. Chaos cannot exist without movement, not when all things are still and peaceful. Movement creates chaos but it also organizes by bringing all things to the center and results in patterns formed.

Thus, the basis for this art piece.  The outer edges are chaos, pattern-less, pulled in by the center which (if you look closely) form a nine (9) pointed star spiral around the center with arrows pointing the way.

Chaos in your life is ultimately headed towards recognizable patterns. Fear not the Chaos.


Celtic Knot (Green and Purple)

Celtic knot green and purple

Celtic Knots in green, purple and gold binds nature with spirit and reminds us; all things are interconnected. Gold for the richness of spirt, purple for harmony of spirt and green for nature and healing and the Celtic greenery of plants and trees; lush with life and part of all of us.

Knots in general represent many different things, some negative, some positive but usually all useful in one way or another.  The sailors knot shores up the sails, the fisherman’s knot brings promise of food, the knitters knot brings warmth of clothing and enjoyment of life. Other knots are more negative: The hair knot, noose knot, the binding knot and others show the knot is both a positive and negative tool used by humanity for eons.

So, it’s no wonder the Knot is a symbol in different cultures around the world. I personally like the symbology of the knot found in Celtic and Germanic pre-Christian cultures for the positive aspects it brings when representing the joining of life and interconnectedness of all things.

Don’t be a Not instead become the Knot.


Roy’s Favorite Colors Faded Lines Color Blends

roy favorite colors

Roy G Biv’s favorite colors. Rainbow paint color pattern, ripples of paint blended with soft faded lines and deep rich color. Reminds me of Earth’s painted pots rich in color and God’s promise.

This colorful image is a result of applying wave frequencies to colorful thick paint, from a digital art point of view and is basically a wave flow pattern.  Why I named it Roy’s Favorite Colors is because of the seven (7) colors used.

If you haven’t heard of Roy, the complete name is Roy G Biv which means Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet.  The common seven colors of the visible light spectrum known as the rainbow. So, imagine you could capture a rainbow in a cup and then pour it out like paint and apply wave vibrations. That is what we have in this art piece.

In its purest form a rainbow is about the physics of light and its interaction with matter. However, from a religious point of view it’s a promise from God. (Christian Bible) directly related to weather as it is in other religious beliefs around the world.

To me it represents the fantastical race to reach the end of the rainbow in hopes there might be some truth to the wisdom and gold found there. Also, it reminds me of a time I chased the rainbow with a friend across 15 acres of land until the rainbow ended in the woods and our attempt to catch the rainbow ended.


Atomic Flowers 768 H2

atomic flowers 768 h2

This atomic design with floral icons is a 768 H2 pattern. A blending of thoughts of nature with the science of molecular cohesion and interlocking patterns. 768 is the number of total elements where H2 represents the dual hydrogen molecules when attached to oxygen or other dual binding atoms.

While this pattern may not represent an actual molecular structure it is the symbolism of what atoms, molecules, and chemical bonds represent in a flat artistic geometric design.  Additionally, all elements have embedded numbers which give them physical properties of different matter types.

Thinking about numbers and how the elements interact numerically inspired my design to include many levels of different numbers. Three, thirteen, sixteen, seven hundred sixty-eight. [7, 3, 13, 16, 768].

The H2 component represents the number 3 and all the combinations where 2 atoms fuse with a third where the most important is dihydrogen monoxide commonly known and H2O, …. Yes, water if you haven’t been paying attention.


2432 Geometric Floral Crosses

atomic flowers 768 h2

Purple and Pink with golden yellow highlights; these geometric floral crosses are embraced by pink squares with purple background arranged in fancy diamond patterns. Each diamond pattern consists of 24 petals with 32 yellow highlights and is the basis for the name 2432.

Often when I choose colors and shapes, I draw from many different sources to arrive at a design. This particular design is based on fragments I remember from a dream where pink lined squared encased geometric shape in a grid-like pattern. So, I like to take dream content and use it as the basis for design while at the same time trying to remember the complete design from the dream. Often, I get close or my “now-brain” in the moment takes slightly different views of the dream content and I end up with beautiful unexpected results. ~~

Floral geometric crosses remind me of powerful ancient patterns found in nature and deep connections I get when viewing geometric pattern art in the form of crosses and cross-like structures. There is just something about mixing colors with patterns that moves my soul.~~