Adam York Art

artistic man portriat
About Me

Over the years I always enjoyed art and music as hobbies but typically earned my bread and butter from computer programming, software development, website design, and dry boring graphic design. That said, it’s all been rewarding but not nearly as rewarding as the creative process which comes with creating art for enjoyment.

As I grow as an artist, I will eventually leave the daily grid of technology industry behind and switch to art full time making art my new career.

My years of software design gave me experience to learn Adobe and other graphic software. This also gave me a good base for color theory, layout, and design best practices.

So, I hope you will take the journey with me for enjoyment, but if not, feedback is always appreciated as I hone my skills.

About My Shop

I started my shop after months of experimenting with different ways to create art getting feedback about my designs. From there I picked designs with the most feedback and started this shop. I received my first sale within 3 days of adding my new designs to the shop. So, Yay! I’m motivated to keep going.

For this shop I create my own art via several different means and methods.  I use print providers to help generate physical products for print-on-demand / drop-ship products and digital download products. In other instances, I may offer exclusive unique handmade products made by myself or in collaboration with other artists.

Other Project Types and Artworks

I am also a musician, photographer, videographer, and digital audio creator. I will post many different types of products and projects on this website for myself and others.

Please Reach Out

I will do custom projects and artwork just let me know what you need if you don’t see something here of interest.  Graphic design, digital art, audio, video and other creative art projects are of interest to me and hopefully you.  PLEASE Reach out for more information on my contact-us page.